Thursday, July 3, 2014

M15 Spoilers (Non-Planeswalkers)

Hey all! If you haven't already seen them, you can click the following links to see my posts about the new planeswalkers that are being printed in M15:

M15 Planeswalkers - Part 1

M15 Planeswalkers - Part 2

There are a couple non-walker cards I'd like to talk about though, since planeswalkers aren't the only cool cards!

Waste Not

Waste Not was the "You Make the Card 4" winner that the community voted to create on the Wizards home site last year. The card is really quite good, and while I'm not sure it will have much impact in standard, it could be cool in Modern or Legacy. Combined with Thoughtseize, Hymn to Tourach, or Liliana of the Veil, Waste Not will gain you lots of advantage pretty quickly. Even in Legacy though, it might be too slow since it doesn't make an immediate impact on the game. I could see decks like Pox playing it just to create more incremental advantage with each spell they play, but that has yet to be seen.

Genesis Hydra

Genesis Hydra is pretty sweet. It's cheaper than Genesis Wave, but you get a body. The only downside is that instead of getting ALL non-land permanents with CMC X or less, you only get one card. The card is still really cool for EDH, and might even be good in Standard with all the Nykthos and mono-green lists already running around. Imagine getting a 5/5 for 7 mana but also getting a free Nissa, Worldwaker or Polukranos. Seems good.

Those are the cards I think are really sweet from M15, and while there are others that are cool too, many other people online have already talked about them. 

Let me know what you think about the new cards in the comments below!

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