Wednesday, July 2, 2014

M15 Planewalkers - Part 2

Oh hey! Welcome back. Yesterday we talked about Ajani Steadfast and Jace, the Living Guildpact. Today, we will be talking about a few other new planeswalkers and my thoughts on them!

Nissa, Worldwaker

Now THIS Nissa I like. If you're familiar at all with the original Nissa, you can clearly see that this variant is on a whole new level of power. While not bad, the original Nissa was very tribe-driven, and this new one allows really any green deck to benefit from running her. This is particularly evident for Mono-green lists, since her other second +1 ability allows you to have paid effectively 1 mana for a 4 loyalty walker. 

It is also important to note that her first +1 ability does not say "until end of turn", meaning that you can make an army of 4/4s without investing any spells into it. Similar to most other Green walkers, her ultimate is pretty insane in the right deck, particularly the mono-green strategy.

Garruk, Apex Predator

This might be the only planeswalker with 4 abilities that isn't totally broken. The 7 CMC kind of makes that happen, but even at 7 mana this card is insanely powerful. It's Bolas-like +1 that will wreck other walker decks seems crazy, and if your opponent doesn't have a planeswalker of their own, you can just make a 3/3 deathtouch beast. SEEMS. GOOD.

Like all good black cards, it also has built-in removal. At -3, it's nice that you also gain life when you kill an opponent's creature. As mentioned with Nissa, like most walkers, the ultimate just wins you the game, or lets you gang up on one opponent in multiplayer game types like Commander.

Those are my thoughts and views on the new walkers! Let me know what you think in the comments below!

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