Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Top 5 Cards to be Playing in Legacy (other than Brainstorm!)


Hello all! Today we will be talking about the Top 5 cards to be playing in Legacy right now. This will be a relatively short post, but will go over the cards that have been making the largest impact on the format over the past few months! Unlike most lists, there is no particular order to these cards, and (obviously) this is a subjective opinion. Also, we will leave Brainstorm off of this list for obvious reasons. That being said, here are my picks for the top 5!

Delver of Secrets

Ok, ok. I'm a little biased for a few reasons. 1) I play Delver in Legacy and LOOOOOOVE it. 2) This card has single-handedly dominated the Legacy Opens for the past few months. As we discussed in last week's article about the potential banning of Brainstorm and discussing it's heavy impact on flipping Delver very frequently, it's no wonder the card is amazing. (Side note: to read that article, click here!) 

Show and Tell

Show and Tell is a crazy card. There, I said it. Might even be too good for the format. It enables the Sneak & Show archetype ( Sneak and Show - 10th Place SCG Columbus), and even helps decks like Reanimator off the board. 

Umezawa's Jitte

Jitte is another great example of a crazy card. Partnered with spells like True-Name Nemesis, it's damn-near impossible to stop. Even without the help of the 3/1 powerhouse, decks like BUG Delver, Stoneblade, and many more benefit from the removal, life gain, and pump that this card offers.

Stoneforge Mystic

Stoneforge Mystic has become a format staple since it was printed back in 2010, and has been allowing turn 2-3 Batterskulls ever since. While most prominent in the Stoneblade archetype ( Esper Stoneblade - 10th Place SCG Open Las Vegas), it has also been seen in the U/W Miracles sideboard as of late against the aggressive matchups, or just to act as a pseudo transformational sideboard. Either way, the card is a power house.

Deathrite Shaman

Sometimes called the "1-Mana Planeswalker", Deathrite Shaman has really made a name for itself across Legacy (and Modern too, pre-banning). Mana acceleration, life gain, and damage all wrapped in to a low-CMC package makes this card undeniably amazing.

What do you think? Are these cards as powerful as I make them out to be? Let me know in the comments below!

(Class purposes: List post)

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